1 definition by 0theFool

The situation of not knowing whether or not someone has a penis on the internet. Based on the theory of Schrodinger's Cat, where one cannot be sure if the cat is alive or dead within the box until one observes it with their own eyes, Schrodinger's Penis has the same basis, except instead of a cat in a box, its whether or not a penis is in someone's pants. A much easier way of saying "You never know whether or not someone is pretending to be a girl on the internet."

"You can't know for sure whether or not the penis is there until you look at it."
-"Man, Steve and his online girlfriend broke up recently"
-"I told him about Schrodinger's Penis last week, and now we're here. Turns out he was getting catfished."
by 0theFool July 27, 2021
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