1 definition by .Clyde.Donovan.

Clyde Donovan

Clyde is the most popular person at school in the show south park, Making an appearance in almost all episodes as a side character.

He has dated everyone from token to bebe so he is usually called a manwhore for multiple reasons.

He is also called gay even though he has clearly taken a liking to women since he reads playboy magazines and in the episode "Marjorine", Marjorine says that one of "her" hobbies is "Getting my snootch pounded on Friday night", Clyde responds with "Nice.", although he could also have been happy at how well the idea had turned out, although, judging by his tone, this was not the case.

He was shown crying in the episode Fatbeard and has been treated as a crybaby ever since.
Kyle:"Wow Clyde Donovan is such a manwhore!"
Clyde: "Shut the fuck up you stupid jew!"
Kyle:"Fuck you! manwhore!"
by .Clyde.Donovan. September 15, 2015
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