2 definitions by -xox-tinkerbell-xox-

love is hard to define, sometimes it can be the greatest thing in the world but mostly it causes pain. love hurts. never works out the way u want it to. u end up feeling miserable. best thing to do is not to fall in love. but its hard, since u cant stop urself from falling in love.
love bites, love hurts, love kills, so stay away from falling in love
by -xox-tinkerbell-xox- May 7, 2006
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yes, india is the second most populated country. Yes, it's one of the developing countries....ever wonder how it got to that place?...its because of those british asswipes who ruled over india for 100's of years, they basically destroyed its economy and was never restored. but according to facts, india is developing and rapidly and in the future it maybe ever more powerful than the united states (fact)...just because indians worship cows and respect other animals, dont mean that they are loosers. one of the deffinitions mentioned that indians drink cow urine. that was because some crazy scientist said that it cures cancer...WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DRINK PEE!!!PPL WERE MISSLEAD...and also about those dots that we were on our foreheads, they are only worn on special occasions...PPL DISSING INDIA ARE FREAKIN JEALOUS BECAUSE INDIA IS FILLED WITH SMART PEOPLE AND ARE TAKIN AWAY ALL THE JOBS FROM AMERICA AND CANADA...WELL ITS NOT INDIAS FAULT THAT ITS A BETTER COUNTRY.
people need to get a life and stop dissing other countries, such as india
by -xox-tinkerbell-xox- April 17, 2006
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