1 definition by *KKgirl*

Kalena is a very kind caring helpful beautiful and talented person. She always cares for others and always puts herself in others shoes. She never leaves a friend behind and always believes in herself and others. She never gives up on her dreams and always encourages other. She is a very kind and caring person. Kalena always cares about others and never gives up on someone. She is very talented and never realizes it. Kalena’s eyes are beautiful and and so is she. She never realizes that she is talented and beautiful. If you are one of Kalena’s friends she will stick with you through everything. She dances and is pretty flexible. She is always there for her friends and knows when a friend is lying. She can always tell if a friend is being rude or hiding something. Kalena is an amazing person and is one of the greatest people you will ever meet.
Kalena is just being Kalena.😊
by *KKgirl* November 17, 2018
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