3 definitions by 金正恩

The Amazing Youtube channel with 7 cats, DD, TT, Momo, Coco, Chuchu, Lulu, Lala
Fxxking Cute!!!
Some dickheads are serving lulu, they have no brain, I certain.
Creamheroes is one of the best youtube channel, forever!
by 金正恩 January 19, 2019
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Lynessa, Also known as Trixta, Rosemi, harpy-, Ignisia-, kaisa, keogus515, Sawako, Sentinel, rkgkst12, swave3343 is an osu!mania player who is super et that even silicosis and tingmomentum cannot beat her.
She passed Eta dan and made super hard charts that over 9 stars. no one can surpass her skill.
Lynessa is super et player.
by 金正恩 November 10, 2022
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burstlimit is a japanese osu! superplayer. He full comboed Blue Zenith with 99.89% accuracy and won first place on OETW.
burstlimit is a skilled former osu superplayer.
by 金正恩 April 2, 2023
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