2 definitions by •~•Awkward•~•

I love her so much. She is so pretty. She is my world, bestie, my everything. Treat her right. She is a person that doesn’t hate anyone at all. Just know that SHE BE SOOOOOOOO THICK BRO!! LIKE ON GOD SHE BE THICK!!! She is Hawt!!! But she is such a great person and I’m lucky to have her in my life. If you ever liked/like/love her Like this! BUT I LOVE HER SO MUCH!
Dajey is mine (lol jk)
Dajey is so nice
by •~•Awkward•~• December 25, 2018
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She is one of the most beautiful, gorgeous, and incredible person that everyone wants in their life. She brings so much joy, positivity, and laughter everyday. She is super curvy (Thick) and skinny. She would always look on the bright side and would always put others before herself. She is that person that doesn’t hate anyone because hate is a strong word. I’m lucky to have her in my life. She is also very strong physically and mentally. Treat her right or she might break your bone.
Dajeyy is such a great person.
Dajeyy is great.
by •~•Awkward•~• December 25, 2018
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