2 definitions by ßad life

Highly classy and medieval-styled way of saying "No U"
Uses the old English words nay (meaning "no") and thee ( meaning you)
Although this is the grammatically incorrect version of Nay Thou, this version has been accepted more commonly by the meme community.
Normie 1: Thy mother art a homosexual!
Normie 2: Nay Thee!
Intellectual: Actually It's "Nay Thou"...
*Both Normies*: Ur granny tranny
by ßad life March 27, 2018
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Somebody like you
Bob: What does "pleb" mean?
Jerry: Some dude like you...
Bob: But more precisely?
Jerry: Uuuh, dude, I have to dip, talk to you tomorrow though, yeah?
Bob: But can you ju-
Jerry: BYE!
by ßad life March 23, 2018
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