1 definition by {{{ J. }}}}}

A celebrity walking among us. Frans know how to make things interesting and hilarious. They can create nicknames for anyone around them, especially co-workers. These nicknames are top secret to peers around, and very original. Ex: Mexican Armadillo, Dora, Rosetta Stone, {{{ J. }}}}}, and many more. Frans do not enjoy shopping on Black Friday. Frans enjoy saying sarcastic things like "I am gonna shoot my eye out!" Frans always show optimism in all situations. Frans should stick with people that are not Pessimistic Polly's. Frans friends should come from the astrology sign of Aries, their initials should be BMH.
Frans make me lmfao.
Frans say Mexican Armadillo's really get on their nerves.
by {{{ J. }}}}} December 1, 2009
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