3 definitions by <insert name here>

'Rage Against The Machine"... One of the best bands to ever exist. Formed in the 90's, they produce what was once then, a kind of music that defies guitar distortions. Zack, the vocalist, left the band in the year 2000, and the rest of the band (Tom Morello, Brad Wilk, Tim Commerford) teamed up with the vocalist from 'Soundgarden' to form 'Audioslave'. The group got back in 2007, and they're still rockin' shit to the core up to this day.
Some RATM songs:

-Killing In the Name (Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses...)

-Wake up (Appeared briefly in 'Matrix')

-Sleep Now in The Fire (Appeared in "EA Skate 2")
by <insert name here> April 9, 2013
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Slipknot comes from Des Moines, Iowa. It's a metal band with 9 members, known for wearing jump suits and different masks.
They really don't belong in any particular genre, just metal. It's not Black or Death Metal. It CAN be Nu-metal, cuz that simply means new metal and Slipknot is new metal, so...But it's best to just call it metal.
The members:
#0. Sid Wilson - Turntables
#1. Joey Jordison - Drums
#2. Paul Gray - Bass
#3. Chris Fehn - Percussion
#4. James Root - Guitar
#5. Craig Jones - Media/samples
#6. Shawn "Clown" Crahan - Percussion
#7. Mick Thompson - Guitar
#8. Corey Taylor - Song
Their albums:
Mate Feed Kill Repeat - 1996
Selt-titled - 1999
Iowa - 2001
Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) - 2004
Planning another album right now.

If you think they suck, sure, that's your opnion, but they ARE talented.
You can at least be neutral with your definitions, and try to describe the band instead of telling everyone how much they suck, bla bla bla. Let them get their own opinion.

They're NOT mainstream. Every god damn band that's becoming a bit popular is, according to most people, mainstream. Like In Flames, Cradle of filth and so on. But they're not. Something that is mainstream, though, is blaming every band's latest albums for being mainstream. Just like Vol.3 with Slipknot and In Flames - Soundtrack to your escape. Slipknot haven't got much help from TV or other media, so.. that's not mainstream. I can agree that there is some people, not many, who claim to be maggots, Slipknot's fans, but they've only heard Slipnot's more popular songs like Wait and bleed, Duality and Vermilion.

Many say Slipknot's fans need to listen to more metal.
I listen to Metallica, Slayer, Maiden, The Haunted, In Flames, Cradle of Filth and such band. Enough?
I saw Slipknot last night. They're really great. Especially their concerts. Stay (SiC) fuckers
by <insert name here> July 5, 2005
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