1 definition by <:: 1337 H4x0r DuD3 ::>

Huge crater holes in its skin,
also search freak.
Noticed by its hunched back,
tall and lanky, ugly rocky-type
face of pimples.
Also called the monster of the
black lagoon. Can be found in
swamps on occasions sitting in
a pile of muck. Is also known
to stalk people from a distance.
If you think it is a Goofa.
Then i 100% advise you to run.
"Its the monster from the black lagoon! (Goofa)"
"Goofa needs #INF bars of soap"
"Goofa needs #INF bottles of clearasil"
(#INF means Infinite)
by <:: 1337 H4x0r DuD3 ::> November 14, 2004
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