1 definition by *The girl u neva expected*

My deffinition, is taking blades and pushing down, then dragging them across my forearms or thighs as hard as i can. This may sound pretty psyco to you, and does to me when i read it back, but the truth is im just a normal 15 yr old girl going thru some shit atm! It helps for many reasons which i wont go into but one thing i do wanna say is that if u do self-harm then take my advice, talk to someone. Becuase of a certain situation my habbit and thereofre addiction was brought to my parents attention and therefore i have sorted it out. Ive been clean for more then 2 weeks. It really hard, i have massive urges n loads of high and lows but i am stopping. Im gonna start counsiling which is quite scary but im gonna get thru it! So please if u do self harm then try to give up becuase the reality is that it is really really dangerous and u cud end up rlly hurting urself. Finally if u dnt self harm, dnt think that people who do r psyco cos we arnt, we r just dealing with shit in the only way we know how! xxx
Self-injury is cutting urself with a sharp mettal object, and feeling calm and reassured when the blood trickles down. *when u feel dead inside, u bleed to know ur alive*
by *The girl u neva expected* September 6, 2005
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