1 definition by $o$

Cutest girl ever. Smart and funny. Has the best body, ass and boobs. And even though she gets guys, she's the most loving, caring, & LOYAL girl you'll ever meet. She's very sweet and nice, but not if you eff her over. She's emotional but is also cold hearted. She's THAT girl. 😍 She's the girl that every guy wants, and every girl wants to be. And she's so humble.
Example #1
Boy #1: is that Beyonce?

Boy #2: na man, thats Baileigh
Boy #1: man, I want her
Boy #2: naw man, she doesn't FW just any guy

Example #2

*Girl #2 walks out dressing room so Girl #1 can see her outfit*
Girl #1: omg girl! Weeeerrrk 👏

Girl #2: how do I look? Is this okay? >.<
Girl #1: Yesssss ! 😍
Girl #2: how cute is it? 1 to Baileigh

Girl #1: ooo girl, not a Baileigh, but dang thats cute! IDE give it a 9 😍
by $o$ July 27, 2014
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