9 definitions by "Youngie"

Expressing that you have none of something or have done nothing towars something
Kid 1: "Blud, how much of the geography you done?"
Kid 2: "Nar All!"
"I've got nar all cash"
by "Youngie" January 15, 2009
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Meaning "Not in Goal" when playing heads and volleys, or simply a match of football

N.B. can also be 'spelt' NIGS
N.N.B. the last person to call out NIGZ goes in goal until further notice
Man 1: "Watcha wanna do fam?"
Man 2: "Dunno, heads and Volleys?"
Man 1: "Yeah go on then"
Man 3: "NIGZ!"
Man 2: "NIGS!"
by "Youngie" January 15, 2009
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