1 definition by "Monday"

Bessmah, the name giving to someone who is very playful, loves to laugh, and can be arrogant with friends (though, sarcastically). Never ceases to have a good time with any situation - always optimistic about situations. Can act hyper at times, but knows exactly when to be serious. Very caring for her friends, and never, ever gives up on them. Bessmahs' have many friends, but only a few close ones she can actually trust. Loves to laugh, easy to love, impossible to hate.

Side note: Bessmah also means "Beautiful Smile" in Arabic.
Bessmah: And I'm so, like, popular! Ch, ya.

Person #1: omg I know right.

Bessmah: I mean, with my personality, I'm so hard not to love. *dramatic hair fling*

by "Monday" June 13, 2010
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