1 definition by !ButterChicken

The direct translation of this word is derived from Persian, to mean; mother of pearl. However, over time a language has evolved, so did the term Sadaf.

It commonly refers to a girl of astounding beauty, intelligence and moral nature. Her smile is amazing, and she is mungo kind. However, these quality are only amplified by a bubbly personality, an ability to make others laugh, smile and an overwhelming love of her close friends and family. This intense love may predispose a Sadaf to worry a little too much of the welfare of her loved ones. A Sadaf can rest assured that everyone is going to be fine.

It it generally accepted that once on meets a Sadaf they can relax, as they can be assured that they are in the best of company. There is always fun, and good times when a Sadaf is present and this makes them dearly sought out by those who enjoy awesomeness.

Whoever should be so lucky to manage to win over a Sadaf should ensure they treat her with respect, dignity and ensure that there is a mutually understood sense of equality. Never undermine her intelligence, because you will get wasted, she is too smart for you.

There is no others in the world like a Sadaf, so cherish your Sadaf you mungo lucky people.
'Hi my name is John, what's yours?'

'My name is Sadaf'

'Thank gosh! I was about to leave, but now I know that there is a Sadaf here I can relax and listen to you speak awesomeness'

'Oh! Thanks!'

'No, no... I should thank you, I'm talking to the most super intelligent, amazingly gorgeous girl in the world. You sure are hot!'
by !ButterChicken December 6, 2011
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