Short for zogword. When something is painfully awkward. Or just a little awkward. Anywhere between the slightest bit of awkwardness and physically painful awkwardness.
"It was so zog when Jimmy farted in church today!"

"Zog! Did you see Molly's fly is unzipped?"

"Zoggin in my noggin like corn on the cobbin."

by Marykate Spillane December 22, 2008
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a term used by right wing wing nut extremists to mean Zionist Organized Government. These Loony Tunes types think that Jews control the government (yeah, right!) and the economy as well. Well lets face it. The economic situation has been in horrible shape for quite some time now. Even if Jews did run the economy then why would they "create the recession" as the neo-Nazi types and people with similar persuasions say? In a recession nobody wins.
1. in the fucking PC 90s several wing nut militias stepped into the limelight. Some of them committed acts of terror. Some of them yahoos used the Branch Davidian case as an excuse. Then there was Tim McVeigh. Most, if not all of these troublemakers express hatred toward certain groups, especially Jews. They claimed that America is gone, that's it's run by some "Jew-Communist-Whatever" conspiracy cartel, or simply the "ZOG'. I saw one picture of some cretin bunch holding a standoff in Montana. One jerk wore a T-shirt that said "Down With The ZOG". What an ignorant shit head.

2. Now the militia scum are popping off the chops about how Barack Obama is a Muslim - no wait!, a Commie, no! A terrorist! Oh WTF! Are we going to have to hear this ZOG/Communist/Socialist/ psychobabble shit from these pin heads again? This shit has got to quit. There's too much going on and we don't need any more violence from these trailor trash losers.

3. This ZOG rumor crap is very similar to what Adolf Hitler said many years ago. Meet some Jews. Get to know them. Think for yourself.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 19, 2009
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To want to fuck a girl, hook up with someone, or bang them.
Dude that chick is hot im gonna zog her tonight.
Yeah I tried to zog her and got turned down.
Last night I zogged the shit out of her.
by BIGoldNATEdog November 4, 2007
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Noun. Planet of Balls Deep Enjoyment/Out of this world Food. Generally conveys an expression of out of this world experiences/things.
Other Uses: Zogged Up, Zog Off, Zogged Out, Zog Down.
"Lets have a Zog Off!"
"This food is from Zog!"
"Let's have a Zog Down!"
by TheMasterFromZog April 10, 2009
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To frolic amongst friends upon turf or the earth in hopes of mentally, physically and emotionally crushing one's enemies in ritual sporting; these games are usually followed by friendly banter accompanied by games centered around consuming beer
"I can't wait to Zog on Sunday!"

"I love Zog"

"Dio Zog'd the shit out of that girl!"
by Grigio January 8, 2009
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black person


see also Herzog
noun -The zog spent the money for his electricity bill on sneakers.

adj. - those sneakers were mad zog too.
by Marv November 8, 2004
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A little white smoke stick normally called a cigarette. Some people call them, cigs or fags, but zog is the correct term.
"dude bro got any zogs?"
by Wcoxx004 September 11, 2007
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