youngstown is a ghetto in ohio where it’s young and reckless mfs, drugs and murder you gotta be tough in youngstown
person a “you heard jay got killed over on the north side”

person b “ of youngstown”
person a “where else?”
by lilbihhh July 25, 2017
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Home of Jamie McNally, a, architect on the rise, currently attending IIT.
by JDUDE41 November 24, 2010
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Youngstown is a small town that if you blink while driving by it you will miss it. Unless they come running after you (they don't get visitors very often). The miners often spend time at the local saloon. They call themselves the falcons because they prey on younger animals.Not very many people live in the town itself except for those who want to be with their own kind (it is kinda like Chernoble).
JAMES: Let's go to the youngstown saloon.
BLAINE: Nah, I'd rather go eat some rodents.
CODY: Let's go play some COD.
MICHAEL: No, lets go do loser laps in your green van.
CRAIG: Who cares, I'm just a ginger.
DAWSON: Nah, lets just go to the rummage sale in the more superior town of Hanna.
by AnonymousPOSSOMUS February 21, 2011
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The town so shitty that someone OD's and dies in the bathroom of a Taco Bell at 3 in the afternoon and not only is no one shocked, but also instead of being shocked, they're just pissed off they can't get their Dorito's Locos Tacos.
Some junkie OD in the Youngstown Taco Bell Bathroom?!? Great, now I have to drive to Boardman to get a taco.
by TylerP March 26, 2012
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A location up in north eastern Ohio in The United States. A horrible city to live in (I've done that) but it sure does have a nice park, maybe one of the best in the world. It is full of cool stuff like corruption, drugs, murder, a maximum security prison, a damn nice park, and murder. It has a nice college, and we like our football here, but unfortunately everyone likes the browns, so the city is thrown into permanent depression. And damn does it have a nice park.
It is also home to the worlds greatest gathering of pizza shops. Never ask if its national brand pizza because you'll probably be stoned to death. Did I mention it has a nice park?
Person A: Have you ever been to Youngstown?
Person B: No
Person A: Don't worry, you're not missing out, although it does have a nice park.
by stgw.33 August 7, 2007
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A depressed, poverty stricken, hell-ish town in Northeastern Ohio, so backwards that it's natives say "Paper Scissors Rock" instead of "Rock Paper Scissors."
Josh: "Hey Brionna, want to play Rock Paper Scissors?"
Brionna: "Sure! Paper, scissors-"
Josh: "Why the hell are you saying it like that? Oh I forgot, you're from Youngstown, freak."
by GirlsRuleBoysAlsoRule June 4, 2020
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