a type of herpes that effects you by making your mouth become dry. This can occur at any moment, and is very frequent.
Andrew: Ever since i had sex with that taiwanese hooker why my mouth has been so dry. it happens very frequently.

bill: O it sounds like you have yerpi!
by beaches&shores December 6, 2010
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a strain of herpes that effects a person by making their mouth frequently dry.
tony: goddamnit why is my mouth so frequently dry?

bill: oh it seems that you may have yerpi's
by beaches&shores December 6, 2010
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Saying yes to a perverted/disgusting question to make you seem less perverted/disgusting.
John: Doesn't that person's face look like a piece of shit?

Jane: Yerpie.
by The Greatest Guy January 17, 2011
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stupid person named henry typically a preppy poopface
Henry is a yerp for being stupid
Yerpy: stupid person named henry typically a preppy poopface
by yerpy101 February 22, 2018
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