Seemingly amazing or super-human abilities or powers.
David Copperfied has some serious wooj, but that David Blaine guy is a no-talent hack.
by Hangfire October 21, 2004
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‘wooj’ is most commonly used as an adjective to describe something that’s very ‘uwu 🥺🥺🥺’-esque.

however it can also be used as a noun - to say someone is A wooj is not common but does mean they are essentially giving off ‘uwu such a smol bean’ energy
‘he replied to my story saying i’m so pretty’ ‘so wooj’
by alix October 10, 2021
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Woojing, (verb- To wooj)

It's a verb that means you are doing everything before it's due, acing your tests, and be impressively good in biology. It can also mean that you are very sarcastic in times, and that you like animals such as ducks.
I am woojing my studies and life today
by Peritoneum January 20, 2022
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