A movement which attempts to enforce 'woke' views upon others via the use of intimidation, demonstrations, violence, shaming, cancelling, and other methods to silence discussion and dissent. Like other fascist movements the woke movement is intolerant of dissent and dismissive of actual facts and data. Like the National Socialist movement of pre-war Germany Woke Fascism identifies and oppressor group as the source of 'problems'. Similarly the use intimidation to prevent dissent and rational discussion drives an active move to silence free speech and contrary opinions, facts, and analyses.
Mike displayed his woke fascism when he organized a 'cancellation' of someone who disagreed with him.
by jmar1755 May 14, 2021
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-Hey did you meet Ted, he's a woke fascist.
-Tim, i'm getting a divorce
-Wow, this says a lot about society.
woke fascism
by grand_hog_bernard November 13, 2019
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