The main characters from the show supernatural, (Sam and Dean Winchester) who are shipped together like a couple, even though they are brothers.
Omg I love winchest so much. It like my number 1 OTP
by AmberLight122 October 24, 2017
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The surname of characters from the CW hit show, Supernatural.

Winchester means family and family means nobody gets left behind.

Except Adam.
Adam: "You came back."
Dean: "You're family Winchester spirit GO"
by gagcaster January 21, 2013
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A pub of British folklore that offers protections against a wide range of ills ie girlfriend dumping you, zombies
"Zombies are attacking, WHAT DO WE DO?!"

"lets go to the winchester"
by Aliss October 22, 2007
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A word coined by the King Of Hell; Crowley that means being deceived or played by a Winchester.
Crowley: I've been winchestered
by Cliffed March 11, 2018
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No ordnance remaining.
He was unable to continue the fight, being winchester.
by danglyballzjohn May 28, 2017
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the last name of the hottest, sexiest, badass brothers on TV, Sam and Dean
Girl1: omg omg omg look
Girl1. soo hott
Girl2 i know,i love sam and dean Winchester
by pogo_hammer June 25, 2011
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A low-budget hotel/motel that Sam and Dean Winchester of "Supernatural" would stay in. This kind of place may be rent by the hour, unkempt, even occupied by cockroaches.
That place was a total winchester. We are never staying there again
by stillaninnocent July 31, 2011
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