when you’re so so stupid/ do something stupid
Girl 1: Yea she pulled a whooper

Girl 2: What she do
Girl 1: She posted something about someone with her name on it
by thecoolestperson October 19, 2019
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A very massive stiff pimple, usually red in color, but not not a white head.
Ha, that nerd has whoopers all over his face but can't pop them because there is no pus!
by Shawty Wang May 28, 2005
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Whopper spelled wrong by most Indians. But still acceptable since they do not call it a burger
by UnluckyTraveller March 11, 2017
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A comical way to express that you've made a mistake, broken a promise, etc, but really don't care.

Reccommended use: when said in your best 'stupid person' voice.
Sister: You said we were going to see the new Harry Potter tonight, but you got drunk and went to the strip club with your friends! dubya tea eff?

by juggalecter November 26, 2010
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someone who performs oral sex on a male, and spits the "remains" into a hollowed jelly doughnut and proceeds to eat the doughnut
Eader, get that out of your mouth you whooper!!!
by Jon Murphy March 28, 2004
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Jack-ass, a person that literally makes you want to beat them senseless, then beat the sense back into them so that they can see how idiotic they are.
I was driving ten over the limit, and that hoof whooper cut me off!
by The Maniacal Oreo October 5, 2019
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When a overweight female has an infection of the female genital tract.
Hey Matt, look at that whooper with cheese!
by Brooks July 16, 2004
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