A basement-dwelling adult still dependent upon their parent(s) who spends their day playing video games and protesting against things they do not understand and do not WANT to understand. AKA "snowflakes."
Less than a dozen whiney winkles protested outside the Trump rally attended by 15,000 people with another 4,000 left outside because they were unable to get tickets.
by PanamaDon August 29, 2017
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A person who breaks up with their significant other with intentions of asking his/her best friend out. The person ultimately finds out the grass isn't greener on the other side and attempts to reclaim said 'ex', only to discover said 'ex' has moved on to his/her best friend.
The whiney baby should have expected that what goes around comes around. How could he not expect his ex to F his best bud when he F'd her best gal :\
by brynnandbacon January 14, 2012
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A typical liberal; a person who cries and bitches constantly over stupid things, or when they lose a game or a race. What comes out of their mouths is usually nonsense and bullshit, but not always.
Why do the Kerry-voters always have to be such whiney bitches?
by you don't know me! April 18, 2005
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Political pressure groups who bitterly complain when politicians they help elect do not attend to their agenda before all others.
"The Whiney MeFirsters I refer to are the gay people who have viciously trashed Obama for not focusing sufficiently on gay issues in the first year of his presidency."
by mbk3357 February 9, 2010
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Somebody who always complains about somthething stupid, then wants the people who hate him/her to shower them with affection every time they come around. Very much like a titty-baby.
Little Wussy-kins: whiney whiney feel sorry for me1 My anus hurts.
Me: Back off ya little runt and :D(_*_) on your way out!
by RatchetBoo May 6, 2003
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An ass who almost constantly lies in the face of those around them, generally to try to attract attention or gain friends. When confronted with a Whiney Cunt, extreme measures of distancing yourself from them is necesary, due to overwhelming stench of unwashed ass and hair.
Cool Guy "Geeze Kath, what's with the whiney cunt you introduced me to? He lies like a Mo-fo!"

Kath "I know, and did you smell that ass? Christ could melt steel with those fumes. D:"

Cool Guy *Nods and melts*

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A cartoon named Caillou that's about a boy that whines and crys about everything.
Don't let you kid watch Caillou unless you want a whiney bitch
by PenetratorX January 30, 2016
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