When the pass is a three. Straight to the setter's hands.
skraaaa skra pap pap that pass was a wet blanket bois.
by angrysharky November 2, 2017
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When someone exits a shower or bath and proceeds to lay their body directly on top of you, without drying off first.
Him: "Take off that duvet girl, I've got that good human wet blanket coming your way"
Her: "Fine, but I hope this results in me being wet from than just your human blanket ish"
Him: "Snore noise..."
by GlazeHer March 31, 2014
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When someone exits a shower or bath and proceeds to lay their body directly on top of you, without drying off first.
Him: "Take off that duvet girl, I've got that good human wet blanket coming your way"
Her: "Fine, but I hope this results in me being wet from than just your human blanket ish"
Him: "Snore noise..."
by GlazeHer April 11, 2014
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1 - A blanket made of ur homies gay ass tears
2 - Hurting someone so hard they're going to need a blanket made out of their own tears
1 - That dude's got a wet nigga blanket what a fag
2 - Let's rekt this team so bad they're going to be crying to their moms for their Wet Nigga Blankets
by CIRCLESAREMYLIFE January 13, 2019
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the lowest of lowly bitches (not to be outdone by the skank bitch or the cunt bitch); the bitch that sleeps in Your tent, uses Your blanket and then has the audacity to get it wet against the side of the tent. what a blanket wet bitch
"pass the pipe you blanket wet bitch!"

"hey whats up?"
"fuck you, you blanket wet bitch!"
by The Chums Reborn September 12, 2008
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Someone who complains about hating the beach while at the beach.
Christina: Yo, what's up with Zach?

Paul: Oh, he's just a wet sandy blanket....
by James Shakleford May 10, 2020
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