English/Aussie term for a jerk-off. any asshole who doesn't get laid and masturbates profusely.
Charles is such a wanker, he never gets any
by Anonymous February 16, 2003
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Someone at your place of work who makes it seem like they are correcting paperwork you submit, when what you are submitting already contains the "corrections" the wanker has suggested be adopted
(Penner, you are truly a wanker)
by Anonymous July 3, 2003
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one who is stupid, puts off doing something with you, angers you for a brief amount of time. Often used by english people and americans who think they're english.
God, Judy is such a wanker, taht's the third time i've called her, and she still won't answer.

Dan is really a wanker, he keep calling me and asking if i want to see interpol next week. Why can't he take a hint. Stupid wanker
by price check please January 23, 2005
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that wanker stold my money!
by Anonymous December 9, 2002
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to be so completely inebriated so as to lose all cognitive function
This guy was so wankered in the pub, that he pissed himself
by da22er April 21, 2009
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