n. something crazy, weird, out of the ordinary, interesting, wicked cool, strangly awesome

adj. the appropiate discriptive response to a crazy, irregular, nifty cool, etc, action

v. to be crazy, wacky, hillarious, etc
that jackass is wacky mcnacky.
did u see that happen, it was wacky mcnacky
i dont know what was his major malfunction was but he was acting all wacky mcnacky today,
by snail February 11, 2004
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This is a slang term for blow job, made popular by the show The Backyardigans.
I needed some money last night, so I gave this guy a Wacky Tiki behind the bookstore on 5th avenue.

The Mysterious lifeguard offered to show Pablo the penguin and Tyrone the moose how to preform a Wacky Tiki.
by Dade Murphy December 18, 2005
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A multi-purpose term with multiple definitions that are context-dependant. For example, it could mean “engaging in a silly or humorous act that is not normally committed within societal norms”. Or, it could mean “straight-up fucking”. Originated in a Dungeons & Dragons group, and quickly became common vernacular.
Lunaria invited the maiden to return with her to her quarters to do the wacky.

With behaviour like that, I’d assume you’re doing the wacky!
by Okteta March 11, 2023
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Contrary to popular belief and despite what the name may suggest, there is nothing wacky about a Wacky Jacqui. It is a misnomer. If you’re lucky enough to happen upon a Wacky Jacqui in the wild, you’ve struck gold - don’t let her go. That being said, she’ll probably find you in the wild, she thrives off making the best conversation and collecting strays. She’s an amazing human, caring, empathetic, down to earth, intelligent, a magic making power-house and of course absolutely beautiful (inside and out). Not great at goodbyes but we forgive her for that because she makes each journey with her one to remember.
*Frederico and Eugene drinking Kale smoothies at the morning Farmers’ market*

Frederico: Happened upon a Wacky Jacqui last night. I think we’re besties now.

Eugene: I thought I was your bestie!?

Frederico: You’re okay, but let’s be honest you’re no Wacky Jacqui.

Eugene: … that’s fair
by Scorpian King April 27, 2022
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A surprisingly eccentric fellow, not necessarily in a negative way, who can randomly interject grandiosity to into actions and gestures that seem fairly disproportionate to his overall general appearance.
Chuckford: "Here comes that guy who looks like Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street."

Rastafarian Billy: "Did he just stop in the middle of the hall and do the Moonwalk?"

Chuckford: "He's a cool dude, but damn, what a Wacky Wayne, man."
by Defin-ite July 15, 2022
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A term coined in the flop movie "Robocop 3" used at the near end to describe someone in power turning to the use of excessive means to put down a population's unrest with the use of a war machine, in a civil society, regardless of casualties, usually as a result of an "us vs. them" sentiment.

In the instance of the said film, the main antagonist sought to launch an all-out, military style strike with his armed forces against less fortunate civilians protesting their forced displacement.
Jim: "I heard that guy in the Middle-East's gonna stop the protests in his country using his entire military."

Mike: "Hunh, just another 'war wacky' dictator."
by Duke_13 April 29, 2011
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