The feeling or fear that you really should have heard about an Internet personality/sensation/fad/trend before you actually did
I JUST found out about Ze Frank, Wintergatan and Seth Everman, and everyone else is like "duh…" How could I possibly have missed them for so long? Total jamais vu!
by Micinput June 15, 2022
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When someone types "bus" wrong and types "vus" instead, and i think thats pretty funny
by PPScratcher69 September 29, 2019
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When you're talking to someone about a topic you've already covered (but don't remember covering) and you find yourself being able to complete each other's thoughts.
friend: You would not believe what happened to me!
guy: What?
Friend: So I was running this morning when all of a sudden the craziest thing happened!
guy: Did you get attacked by a dog??
friend: YEAH! Whoa, did we already talk about this?

guy: Oh yeah we did, just had a moment of conversation déjà vu
by i3247 August 5, 2015
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When a conversation occurs more than once.
Bobby: "So my Aunt has a couch made out of llama."
Billy Bob: "I'm getting conversation deja vu. Didn't you already tell me this?"
by CriptheCripple January 13, 2017
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the situation where in you are shopping for your weekly goods, and you pass the same person traveling the isles in the opposite direction many times
guy 1: ''yeah chuck that red bull in''
guy 2: ''rightio... woah we pass that same granny on every isle!''
guys at the same time: isle à vu!..
by rhyssah August 7, 2009
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When you go to another country and you have a drink but the taste of that drink that is so strong that it lingers around until the next day
"Damn dude, I'm getting Weija vu from that 米酒 shot yesterday!"
"Nice dude!"
by RasalasDeCons May 14, 2019
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