A euphemism for Group Sex: as illustrated by the menage'-trois logo of the Ubuntu Operating System.
Man to Wife:

"Hey honey, I've got a bottle of lube and some rubbers... Whad'ya say you and me go Ubuntu on the babysitter?"
by UbuntuBob January 16, 2012
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For people too smart to buy windows, but too stupid to pirate it.
by Rinaldo Corey July 17, 2008
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(Adverb/Noun) Used to describe people who are idiots, prefer not to think for them selves, and follow the general crowd into oblivion. Enjoy annoying others.Generally allergic to reading anything other than harry potter
1. "Your such an ubuntu"
2. "I just ubuntu'd"
3. "how do i gets mouse works?!" Reply: STFU Ubuntu
4. "¿Sé que esto es una charla inglesa, pero cómo consigo ventanas del ubuntu instaladas?" ("I know this is an english chat, but how do I get ubuntu windows installed?") in english (no reply, just state that s/he is an ubuntu)
by Gentoo FTW January 31, 2008
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A member of the order of Ubuntu, the most devout of the celibate tribes. Followers often tend to live in small packs, often dominated by a matriarch, who by custom, lives in the upper floor of the domicile for twenty to thirty years; although, studies have proven cases often have lifetime arrangements. Members of this order are rarely seen during in the daylight while they practice a self-mutilating practice, performed mostly with thumbs and the use of a biofeedback video device. The most commonly witnessed activity by outsiders, a routine 2 a.m. trip to the corner-shop is known as “nocturnal emission” within the tome of listed rituals. The order preaches it was actually a third lineage of beings that evolved separately from Homo sapiens and the line of apes and other primates. Evidence is scarce, but many scientists accept the possibility upon close examination of the culture.
"Jeff is an Ubuntu zealot. He won't go out with her. He wouldn't know how."
by pierre_abelard October 4, 2009
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A wanta be linux power user who has only installed a distro with full GUI that works without compiling anything. These guys think they support linux but have no idea how to compile or make anything work on their own. Hence the Ubuntu Junkie.
Man did you catch Jim the Ubuntu Junkie he can't even compile mplayer.
by The Peasant King June 3, 2011
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A popular GNU-Linux distribution with the GNOME desktop environment. Partnered up with Canonical, Ubuntu is a really good operating system for your computer/laptop/netbook/tablet.
Person 1: Hey! I just got Ubuntu Linux!
Person 2: Woah, that looks really ninja, like totally man!
Person 1: Yeah, I guess
Person 2: How much is that?
Person 1: Oh, it's free.
Person 2: WTF.
by Metro4151 November 30, 2011
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Verb: The unnecessary installing, reinstalling and tweaking of computer operating systems:,mostly Linux based (ie Ubuntu) but also applies to the UNNECESSARY rooting of android phones.
Hey, you’re 6 hours late, what the hell happened?

“Dude I dual installed Ubuntu and windows on my PC, ands changed the icon to cat that looks like it’s on acid!”


“….silence “

I thought you were over Ubuntu-ing! Son of a bitch!
by Cbass34 February 28, 2023
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