The feelings of apprehension and regret experienced having sent an angry or whiny voicenote into a stereo show that you immediately wish you had decided to delete.
Chloe and Colin were so angry about missing out on good morning fanfares they each sent six voicenotes to complain. Then the trepidittyation hit as they realised they wouldn’t be played for another hour.
by Lesbian Icon April 29, 2021
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The sense of apprehension and regret that is caused by sending a voicenote into to a show on Stereo which you instantly wish you had deleted.
Chloe and Colin were so irritated that they didn’t get a ‘Good Morning Fanfare’ that they both sent in six voicenotes complaining to the Scottish Fry Up. When they realised those voicenotes wouldn't be played for an hour the trepidittyation really kicked in.
by Lesbian Icon April 29, 2021
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