"treez is a term for weed but widely recognized by the rapper TRE TREEZ said to be the sickest rapper from out of canada"
by greezzyy August 28, 2008
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When there is only one tree in an area.
Yo, why is there only treez here bruh.
by bruhmoment06 August 28, 2020
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A word used to describe a group with financial problems. Someone who is Treezed often has to buy cheaper things.
We have to buy a Soundboks because we are Treezed.
by May Ones April 13, 2022
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If someone were to say something to you and you didn't care what they were saying to you.

"I just got out of the shower."
by Blucifa October 8, 2007
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low key rapper from the rough north suburbs of Chicago.
They keep saying Kyle, but my names Treez-AYE. murk.
by Young-E December 6, 2009
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another term for weed,but most known for one of the illest mc's to come out of canada
you got that new TRE TREEZ??

i need me some TRE TREEZ right about now
by angeliceyezz September 25, 2008
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A local Irish urban legend. Said tone a mythical creature who smokes copious amounts of treez. Very little is known about Treez, however it is said to be a cross between the banshee, the boogieman and Bob Marley.
Some sensed Dylan Reale Treez last night. This because of the wicked stank of treez bout.
by yurthunter November 29, 2018
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