First person to die in every movie, usually in the first 5 minutes
by Me February 20, 2003
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A black (African-American) female with no defining character qualities that is added to the cast of a movie or television show to appear diverse.
They will notably have few lines and appear only a few times in the show.
Will sometimes have a catchphrase or quirk to give the character some resemblance of a personality.

You may notice at times the character will not even be given a name (although the actor will still be credited.)

The character Marsha from the American sitcom The Brady Bunch had a token black girl as a friend, if you blinked you might have missed it.
by PoeticallyCorrect March 18, 2014
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The one black guy in a group of white people who hangs out with them to make the white people look cool while in reality is with them so he can smash as many white girls as possible cuz we all know they give crazy blowjobs.
White Friend : OK ill see u tomorrow dawg! (Goes to give dap)
Token: Ok, (gives dap, walks away)
Token: I fucking hate these people! If i wasnt getting so much head i would snuff all these assoles!
by Tawan March 20, 2005
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Out of the entire movie, the one person who does not represent whities...
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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