having sex with your partner's corpse after they reach twelfth base
I fucked this chick to death, and then I went to thirteenth base with her.
by 69Dildozer69 August 11, 2009
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"What you going to go when you graduate?" "I'm going to Union County College." "Oh. Thirteenth grade."
by Dr. Shatner June 6, 2004
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the thirteenth step is used to describe the efforts of an old timer who tries to screw a newcomer or someone with less than a year of sobriety.
jim had 10 years of sobriety and attended AA regularly. when he laid eyes on sophia, the newcomer, he decided to thirteenth step her.
by rich v. March 23, 2007
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The Thirteenth Doctor is a asexual lesbian character in a british tv show called Doctor Who. She is in love with her best friend and companion Yasmin (Yaz) Khan. She likes her TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) and her Sonic Screwdriver (Does most things to anything unless it’s made of wood or deadbolt sealed). She likes knowing things and dislikes The Master (Other timelord who The Doctor has an on and off relationship with) as of the episode The Timeless Children.
Person 1: Hey I really hate The Thirteenth Doctor because she is a woman.

Person 2: That isn’t a valid argument because The Doctor is a genderfluid timelord.
by casskhanobvi August 31, 2022
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taking a persons urine in your mouth, then shooting it up their anal or vaginal hole.
by sniff&sneeze June 5, 2010
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Is a holiday, started in San Jose California USA. On August 13th also known as bald day is a day that was created to support those whom have to go through chemotherapy. Participants of Bald Day will show there support on August thirteenth by either wearing a plastic bald skull cap or for the hardcore shaving all the hair off their head in hopes of spreading awareness for those living with cancer and or anyone needing chemotherapy for medical treatment.
John: Can you help me shave my head?

Sarah: Why, you don't like your hair?

John: No, a bunch of us are doing it for August thirteenths bald day. Cancer is still a death sentence.

Sarah: I was gonna wear a skull cap but of course I will!
by Walter Phillips May 14, 2013
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Boys can do whatever they want on this day. For the WHOLE day they can do anything to there gfs or friends. This is all for the boys no girls can stop any BOYS from doing what they want.
Boy-“hey, guess what day it is

Gf-“no.. why?”
Boy-“you have to listen to me all day we are gonna have some fun today..”
Gf-“oh nooo
Boy-“I cant wait this is exciting to get her back after everything.”
Nov thirteenth
by Super.idol November 13, 2022
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