The placement of people after an online game(like halo). The rule is that the player in last has generally more of a life than the player who placed first. Can be used as an excuse or a joke.
Reggie99 - "Hey, I just came in first! Awesome!"
Noobie36 - "Yea, but you are last in the Halo Sequence, my friend. You obviously have no life."
Reggie99 - "You're just saying that because you suck."

MasterChief123 - "Yes! I pwn at capture the flag. Good thing I'm last in the Halo Sequence or else I would be a n00b."
by Mockstairwell January 22, 2008
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A Fibonacci Sequence gone terribly awry at some point.
0,1,1,2,3,5,7,12- it's a Fauxbonacci Sequence!
by glacial23 November 4, 2010
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This is the sequence when Br Jude tells you to open your school bag and take out a piece of paper for 30 times.
Br Jude: What's your name?

Jason: Jason.

Br Jude: Oh...Jason a...

Br Jude: Open your school bag,

Br Jude: Take out a piece of paper,

Br Jude: 30 times.

(Br Jude sequence)
by JohnMakFan December 1, 2020
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An empire on the verge of collapse, named after a main-sequence star. When a main-sequence star has burned through its hydrogen, it switches to helium and bloats into a red giant, though it's essentially being hollowed out inside. Eventually, because it has lost the mass that could sustain its volume, it collapses. If it was an average-sized star, into a white dwarf, or a black hole if above average.

Its sapped of all its strength but its military, and now its burning that. Like a red giant, its imperial swelling is a sign of decay, not health. And its unsustainable. Collapse is inevitable. Possibly, given its size, into a black hole, which will suck the whole world in after it.
Do you think America is a main-sequence empire that has reached the red giant stage, having burned through its resources, its economic and fiscal vitality, its moral capital?
by Ian December 9, 2004
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(v)- The action of stating multiple "your mom" disses within a short time period.
A- Your mom looks like a dog
B- I dogged your mom
B- I did your mom while dogging
B- Stuck my dog in your mom
B- Did your mom on a dog
B- Did your mom's dog
B- Sucked your mom's dog
B- Did your mom's dog while sucking
A- I'm out....*kills himself*
by douche bag February 5, 2005
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Man the way those faux reporters echo each other's lies and distortions, it's like they are like The Republican Centipede (Full Sequence) eating each other's shit.
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ur DNA sequence gay allegiance
Absolutely destroys any form of the term "ur mom gay" even the term "ur family reunion homosexual communion". Whenever this phrase is spoken of God himself brings you to hell.
Me: ur family tree LGBT
Friend:*light headache*
Friend:ur family reunion homosexual communion
Me: *goes 20 feet in the air and falls down*
Me: You-you left me no choice bro
Friend: C'mon bro I was joking please don't do this
Me: Ur DNA Sequence gay allegiance
Friend: *fucking explodes and God himself starts crying as all of existence starts to cease*
by lil_memer_memz March 30, 2018
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