Now discontinued cartoon from the forties and fifties about an oddly proportioned american sailor who constantly got into fights, where he was the underdog. He would, at a pivotal point, consume spinach, and become immediatley brawnier as a result. Immensely popular, and famed for his arch-enemy bluto, girlfriend Olive Oil, and his ridiculously large biceps. He also had one squinted eye, one that protruded, a speech impediment, a pipe, and incoherant ramblings that he would use to amuse himself.

The cartoon was a vector to get kids eating more greens so the could grow up to be just like him.
Q: what happened when Napoleon went to mount Olive?

A: Popeye got pissed...

Oh, Popeye- Olive
by Gumba Gumba March 12, 2004
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Found at carnivals and State Fairs in 70's & 80's , he was a black man in a sideshow who could make his eyeballs bulge out of his eye-sockets. thus giving him the name "Popeye"
Hey, lets go see Popeye when we get to the fair.
by samiam6977 February 3, 2009
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When you jack off to much and your arms get swollen to shit.
by MudslideMan January 9, 2018
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A man whom can fly, can run super fast, can run on water, is super strong, is bulletproof, is always fighting the bad guy, often saves the woman he's romantically linked too, and his powers are affected by something green.

No wait, that's superman
superman is a ripoff of popeye.
by AnonDoxy December 23, 2018
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A fucked up cartoon that showed that whenever you eat a can of spinach, you get big honkin bazooka muscles and you can kick major ass. Was kinda nice to watch as a kid though.
I don't "y'eats" mah spinach, oh shit i have no muscles.
by ThaNeoGospel November 6, 2004
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Damn Miguel was so popeyed last night, he went for a late night run

That guy is moving pretty fast he must be hella popeyed
by Chub Stunna Bartolio December 7, 2010
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It means cool mother f' er with a anchor tat and a lazy eye!
That guy jason is a popeye!
by popeye13 July 2, 2011
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