Moriah may seem okay but she is very ugly and a dumbfuck, no one likes her.
by imbetter than you January 9, 2019
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Beautiful girl. If you have the chance to date a Moriah, don't miss it. They're the most loyal girls you'll ever meet and have probably had like 20 people ask them out by middle school, so don't miss your chance!
"Damn who's that beautiful girl?" "Oh, that's Moriah. Hurry, someone else is asking her out already!"
by just//a//randommm/person May 21, 2021
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To make more like the art style that Moriah Elizabeth, a famous artist on youtube, would do
If a drawing is starting to look too odd, Moriah-ify it and make it cute
by ArtsyWords August 13, 2022
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the lengest girl on earth. she makes everyone feel at ease and is just a wonderful person to be around. can make a stranger laugh from the other end of the bus, if she’s your friend, happiness is a guarantee.

Get one at your local super store, 2 for the price of 1.
by unknowndemon123 September 19, 2022
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