A relationship based solely on text messaging--much like any good relationship based on solely on sex.
Friend: I see her looking at you . . . are you hittin' that yet?

Me: Nah, it's purely a textual relationship.
by Billdo. March 28, 2007
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1. Typically a friendship or bond that is limited to the glass screen, or smart phone.

2. A friendship that occurs via text which is usually that status of "close friends", but is basically nonexistent in "real life".

These friendships usually occur under the nose of other friends. More often than not, these "close" friendships occur between two people you never thought would talk to each other.
Jen the scene kid and Scott the Jock were a part of a 6 person group of friends. Their one-on-one chemistry in the friendship was nonexistent until Scott picked up "them digits". Several months later the other 4 friends were utterly shocked when Jen and Scott started dating since they never talked to each other in person. They concluded that they must have been having a secret textual relationship.
by The Jon Harrison June 5, 2014
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A person with whom you've exchanged cel phone numbers, but you never actually hang out, you just text each other occasionally.
She: Hey, I just got a text from Rajeev, remember when we met him at the park last year?

He: Yeah, you guys still hanging out?

She: Still? We haven't seen each other since we met - it seems we have a purely textual relationship.
by Bump Rider July 3, 2009
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1. a state of affairs existing between those engaged in a relationship based primarily on text message correspondence.

2. a relationship where having text is the primary goal.
We're in a committed, textual relationship because we text each other daily; though I'm afraid she's just using me for text!
by TedEye October 26, 2010
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To have a relationship with someone through texting, but never talk, meet or interact with them in real-life. - Someone you text alot, but would never/rarely talk to in person.
Person 1 - Who are you texting?
Person 2 - Ashley.
Person 1 - Ashley? Really?
Person 2 - Yeah, we're in a textual relationship
by Cpl.Moran March 23, 2009
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A text (or any electronic device) based relationship in which Geoff is infinitely cooler than Eman, regardless of her claims of superiority.
Despite her denial and views of reality, Sally knew in her heart that Bob was the one wearing the pants in their textual relationship.
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Synonym of "talking"
when two people are attracted to eachother,
anD get to know eachother through nothing but text messages.
Ex. Bobby and Cindy like eachother, but only have a textual relationship.

Their relationship is purely textual
by Fortissimo July 22, 2009
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