When you piss your pants upon getting kicked in the stomach.
He kicked me so hard i swashbuckled all over my new pants.
by cory malone February 3, 2006
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can be a person, place or thing...
"Get all the crazy swashbucklers together, and we'll swash it on over to the Swashbuckler ( in Treasure Island Hotel-Las Vegas ) and have ourselves a swashbuckling good old time
by pones McChicken Fingaz August 6, 2003
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to flirt with or associate with a member of the opposite or same sex that one finds attractive or interesting
by Gabbyzilla March 23, 2006
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The art of drawing an obscene amount of flem from your esophagus (or honking a loogie in colloquial terms), swashling it around your mouth like a fine Northern Portuguese drop of port then finally releasing said flem on an unsuspecting member of the public’s chest in true Glaswegian fashion.
Innocent bystander: Why Charles, i don’t know why I brought my pink Christian Dior Cannage stitched bag over my Louie Vuitton Canvas...

Person 2: Aye, why don’t you wear this instead ye posh cunt **spits a Glaswegian swashbuckle on her chest**

Innocent bystander: Oh the humanity.
by MigDaSlickest March 8, 2018
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The act of creating the "Newton's Cradle" with you and at least two friend's testicles. This is typically done in the later hours of the day when the wife is gone (bitch).
Bro you should've been there last night! The wife was gone and the boys Balls Swashbuckled all night! For science! We were balls swashbuckling machines!
by ballchungler43 April 29, 2021
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A type of woman who likes to pick up illegals outside of Home Depot and trick them into "fixing a leaky faucet." Also enjoy homeless single dads and puts their claim of "will work for food" to the test. Will occasionally make wild claims about burritos for her own sick pleasure. Also known as the Twaffle, Twaffzilla or TWilley, as in TWilley gonna getcha.
That swashbuckling whore took another homeless dude back to her place.
by burritokenny August 22, 2012
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