When you fill a vagina beyond the limit with throbbing cock.
Man I'm exhausted, I gave my girlfriend a superpounding last night.

Baby once we get in bed we're not getting out until you have been thoroughly superpounded.

My friend Max and I picked up a hooker last night and showed her what a superpounding is.
by James Serkland March 25, 2010
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A colloquialism that appropriates the 'superpoke' terminology of the popular social networking site Facebook, meaning to have sex with someone extremely vigorously and passionately.
Girl, I can't wait to get home and superpound you.

Q: Would you hit it?
A: Are you kidding? I'd superpound that ass.
by InspectHerGadget March 4, 2009
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Pounds gained during a Superbowl party while grazing on nachos, meatballs, lasgana, chips/dip, cake, etc. while drinking beer.
After drinking beer and eating all of the nachos, meatballs, lasgana, chips/dip, and cake at Dennis's Superbowl party, I've gained some superpounds.
by hbsteels February 5, 2008
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