Sunday is not only a day but it's also a name.

She is the most awesome person ever because of her amazing personality and her stunning looks. She is usually tall and has red hair and can sometimes hate her height. She will always make you smile and if she opens up to you, you better be fucking trustworthy because she deserves so much love. She loves hugs and squeezing you to death. She is a very athletic and amazing at art as well as academics. Overall, she's gorgeous inside and out, caring , intelligent, loyal, an introverted extrovert, funny and a great listener so you are soooooo lucky if you have a Sunday in your life.
Omg why is her name a day of the week?

Bitch who cares she's Sunday!
by Chloéééééééééééé October 19, 2019
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the most boring day of the week. Also a sad day many people dread, because school/work is the next day, on Monday.

It is also the day people get their homework done, last minute.

See Sunday afternoon
Sunday's are so boring that I have nothing to do except eat and watch TV. That's why I'm always a tad squishy on Monday's.
by Person (: August 29, 2010
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The one day of the week people remember they believe in God, or pretend they do just in case. Usually involves quickly getting dressed and speeding to church, only to sit there and hope you don't miss kick-off.
Person 1: Hey man, wanna go beat up homeless people tomorrow?

Person 2: No man, it's sunday! I don't wanna wind up in hell.
by James'Taint December 27, 2011
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The day where you decide that living in heaven with God is less important than sitting on your fat ass playing video games and watching Netflix by yourself.
"Hey Bro, do you wanna play video games on Sunday?" " Hell Ya, Cause Fuck living Forever"
by FRICKO MODE March 13, 2020
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The day after Saturday night, that usually is known as "Hangover day". People never show up to work, miss out on important events by laying in bed tortured of sickness, gagging at the sight of alcohol, and remembered they screwed they're bestfriends girlfriend the night before.
"Damn man, I can't make it to our meeting. Every Sunday is ruining shit."
by Jillzgotzbillz August 23, 2008
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To get severely drunk, in a manner to which you have no recollection the next day.
by Sakky January 24, 2011
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the day of the week to rest and watch football all day and afterwards, the post game show/
Hey, you gonna come over this sunday? The Titans are playing the Jags!
by donjuandemarcopolo June 19, 2005
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