13 definitions by FRICKO MODE

An incredibly famous and important civil rights leader who lead millions of poor citizens to freedom. He is most well known for his great work in Europe and especially for helping the Jewish people in his creation of dozens of "food" banks.
Wow that Adolf Hitler guy was pretty great.
by FRICKO MODE December 2, 2020
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Supposedly a good instrument but is actually god awful and always cracks and squeaks whenever they are supposed to play anything whatsoever in a band. The players will always say that it's the reed or embouchure or some shit but it's actually just them and their sucky-ass instrument.
Guy 1: damn did you hear that tenor sax?
Guy 2: yeah who didn't hear that loud-ass dogshit.
Guy 1: fr fr.
by FRICKO MODE December 2, 2020
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"I haven't seen blasts like this since Taco Night at James Earl Jones House."
"I haven't seen blasts like this since Taco Night at James Earl Jones House."
by FRICKO MODE September 7, 2021
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Like trading cards but with pedophiles instead of cool monsters.
Guy 1: I like Politics!
Guy 2: wtf are you a pedophile?
Guy 1: Yes
by FRICKO MODE January 6, 2022
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A word used so often that it has lost all meaning.
Guy 1: "My Grandma died."

Guy 2: "lol"
by FRICKO MODE June 17, 2021
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Someone who spends all their time writing biased political definitions on Urban Dictionary because they are a waste of space and have nothing better to do with their life.
Guy 1: AcTuAlLy JoE BiDeN iS tHe THROAT GOAT!!!!?!??!

Guy2: Fucking UrbanDicks again..
by FRICKO MODE February 1, 2022
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