Quit whining, suck it up and drive on. Military slang meaning to just deal with it and quit complaining
suck it up private we have 10 more miles to go!
by big johnny July 9, 2002
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when someone needs to stop complaining about the situation or a person, one uses this phrase to tell them to just tolerate it.
Friend A: I don't like my clothes wet. Can I go home and change?

Friend B: Just suck it up, dude! We are already late because of the rain.
by bluuuuuuuuuuu November 26, 2022
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basically this sad wiener that thinks that he is Mr Cool but really is this wannabee teachers pet, oh and he is also homesexual
1. Nick Crawley
2. Ali Ambrosiak
by greensoy November 23, 2004
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A term most commonly used by amateur doctors to relieve themselves of the work required to cure injured patients.
Patient: Help me Doc! I'm having a heart attack!

Doctor: Suck it up!

Patient: Its not helping.
by LolPhayul May 5, 2011
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A harsh term friends say to their friends so that they can feel superior and get their fragile friends to do whatever they're told. This is extremely annoying and hurts people deep down inside so it shouldn't be used unless you know it doesnt hurt them.
girl: Hey
Evil: why are you crying?
Girl: My life is falling apart, my boyfriend dumped me, my grades are falling and my parents hate me.
Evil: Stop being emo and suck it up, jeesh, you're depressing me.
Girl: (sniffle) sorry....
by Alexa C February 16, 2008
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This is a alcohol drinking game, which requires two things, a in n out water cup (with the lines around it) and alcohol(preferably goldschlager) So you pour your alcohol in the cup. and amongst your friends you play rock paper scissors to see who has to suck it up. For every line on the cup the losing person takes that much alcohol, and for the big ones then the loser gets fucked. Chase it down with french fries, water, and soda.
That bitch sure is good at suck it up.
by Zhan September 24, 2007
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One of the best things you can say to someone who has dug themselves a nice, deep hole, and has fallen right into it.
"Shit. I didn't think anyone would tell her I said that!"
"Well, they did, so suck it up buttercup"
by yougot0wn3d November 5, 2004
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