why are you looking up what a strawberry is get off fortnite and go outside
i like strawberrys
by Jerry quan April 9, 2018
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1:"me eat a strawberry"
2: "berry good?"
1: "berry bad"
by BerryBad November 20, 2018
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When your snorting cocaine and you get a nose bleed. Named after baseball great Darryl Strawberry.
Man, you do too much coke, you're going to get strawberried, and i'm not calling 911 this time!
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The thing one or two Australians put a needle in
George: Oi mate have you seen the strawberry fiasco that’s been going on lately?
Felix: Oh you mean that one with the needles?
George: Yea, it’s been all over the news.
by Alexa the Moth November 5, 2018
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A burn on your body from a floor or something similarly hard.

Sometimes refered to as a Battle Wound.
"I got a huge strawberry from playing Volleyball"
"Dude, I got a strawberry from doing that obstacle course, shit sucks"
by VA'sFinest April 30, 2007
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Strawberries are definately the ultimate sex food of all time and forever. Nothing is more sexy than someone eating a strawberry sexily. So take my advice- BRING STRAWBERRIES WHEREVER YOU MAY GO!
"Hey Spence, want a strawberry?"
"Hell ya! I mean strawberries are the ultimate sex food!"
by BRizzle March 14, 2004
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