slang for "put your tools/stuff away". generally used by someone with very few or no hoes. however, in some rare cases though, "stow your hoes" may be used to tell someone who has a lot of hoes to hide the side pieces because the main squeeze/SO is inbound.
Bro, get your shit together and stow your hoes.

Executive Pilot flying billionaire and plain full of hookers: "We're approximately 9 minutes out from Las Vegas, pleas put your trade tables in the full upright and locked position, fasten your seatbelts, and stow your hoes. Flight attendants, crosscheck"

buddy leaving you a voicemail: Bro, your wife just grilled me about all kinds of shit. Said she knows you're cheating and she's gonna cut your dick and balls off, you need to stow your hoes bruh.
by Mountain Dew Code Retard July 11, 2022
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