When you are enjoying anal sex with a significant other and they start trying to push out a big 'ol stinker.
Yo I was slamming Rebecca in the ass and she started pullin off an In-N-Out Stinker and I just pulled out and washed my dick off. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.
by Phasmid9 September 6, 2017
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A person who is extremely unattractive, and would not touch with your "bare knuckles".
Jack - "Omg, look at the girl, she's ugly as"
Joe - "Yeah man, she's a bare knuckle stinker..."
by lvsickkkkk October 15, 2011
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When the famous Ruby Frankie toots out loud real loud. And leaves a nice yummy scent.
That Ruby Frankie just stinkered, it smells devious in here.
by smileyjuno123456789 December 28, 2016
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when someone is very mean and eats ur pizza rolls when you're not looking or something.
omggggggg ur such a big fattt STINKER U ATE MY PIZZA ROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by petergriffinlover24 December 13, 2018
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An exam or test which is several orders of magnitude more difficult than expected. Stinkers typically cover content which was otherwise thought to be unimportant and irrelevant and are always significantly harder than any 'practice papers' or questions completed in class. Put simply, stinkers are the bane of all students.
Person 1: Imma get an easy A in maths next week!
Person 2: I wouldn't be so confident, it will probably be a real stinker.
by eureka7 December 6, 2020
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