A variant of stanker. A pungent, deadly, and sometimes carcinigous aroma that rips out of ones anus with deadly velocity. Alerts all to its danger through a noise similar to a fart, but has the potential to cause cartilage damage and/or leaks.
Whoa, did you hear that stank bomb? Better get out quick, this rooms gonna smell like raw ASS!!!
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Really good and stinky weed in a cigar or blunt. It is called stank bomb since normally, stronger weed gives off a more intense odor than swag.
Joe: "Dude, come blaze this stank bomb witcha boy!"

Me: "Ok, hell yeah!"
by D0p3b0yfr3sh February 27, 2013
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To fart in one's hand, then to throw one's fart like a ball. Usually aimed at the face.
"Man last night i got stank doogie bombed!"
by SchecterGuy28 March 21, 2008
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