Structured Query Language. The most common language used for accessing relational databases.
by jleq July 28, 2003
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sql = school, shortcut to a word school
sql sucks!
sql is not ql!
by czlowiekmelon December 9, 2006
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A popular programming language used for databases. Derived from "SQuirreL" since they store acorns the way SQL is meant to store data
I'll make a website using SQL to store it's data!
by Heremes' Butt July 23, 2021
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SQL is a term used in car audio, a
subjective interpretation between SQ
and SPL.

SQ = sound quality
SPL = sound pressure level

SQL = combination of both with a
small sacrifice in SQ and SPL.
I want to build a SQL sound system for
my car, i.e., I don't want high sound
quality and I don't want high sound
pressure level, I want something in
by thylantyr February 24, 2005
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A popular programming language used for databases. Derived as an abbreviation from "SQuirreL" since they store nuts the way SQL stores data
I'll make a website backed up using SQL!
by Heremes' Butt July 23, 2021
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