"I was with my girlfriend when suddenly I Spursed up by calling her by my ex girlfriends name"
by Lamister January 10, 2015
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Social Purse - The dopest new shopping concept where friends create a social purse to stack cashback for their everyday purchases.
Yo! Did you buy it through Spurse?

If you didn't buy it through Spurse, it don't count!
by spurse-me-back August 20, 2021
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Derived from the Danish word 'spørgsmål' (pronounced spurse-mole), 'spurse' is a wildcard that can be used for want of a better word.
1) (Describing a situation, or describing an object) - That's a real spurse.

2) (In describing a person's temperament or situation, e.g, "He's fucked") - He's spursed.

2) (Raising a question or a noteworthy observation) - I have a spurse.
by The-Spice November 12, 2017
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Spursing is to fail at something when you have been on track and very close to success. It can be used as a synonym of the slang word bottling, which means the same thing.
He is really spursing his education. He started so good but recently he has had so many bad grades that no University will admit him.
by Sspasov April 21, 2023
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One of the most dopest, lit youtubers of all time. although he rarely uploads he makes banging videos.
oh shit that's nsty spurse over there. he be so dope
by tgod best rapper alive April 5, 2019
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RonElla : I’m going to see jay tonight..
Miranda : you better take your spurse with you this time Ronnie!
by BlqNek December 15, 2021
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It is a slang expression, meaning to come up short, to fail at something or to lose something(at something) after being in a very favorable position to succeed.
My brother completely Spursed his driving test. He was having the perfect drive, with no errors but towards the end he didnt stop on a Stop sign.
by Sspasov April 21, 2023
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