A child that results from a sperm donation and is treated as extended family on the part of the sperm donor. In particular, a spuncling is to a spuncle, what a niece or nephew is to an uncle (or aunt). The term is gender neutral.
Every year Joe sent a special Christmas present to his spuncling.
by sage_jock April 4, 2010
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Sperm donor who takes the role of an extended family member in the resulting offspring's life.
There were four adults who took the kid to see the pediatrician -- two parents, a grandparent and the spuncle.
by family boy September 27, 2008
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When a mom/daughter team marries two brothers...the wife's hubby is her spouse and uncle. Ergo, 'spuncle'

Take that, MB!
'I love you, my little spuncle'
by ShoeGirl119 August 30, 2011
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A space uncle; one's uncle from space.
"Hey, Space Daddy Adam. How's Spuncle Zac?"
by Jairys November 19, 2020
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a word that people use to describe their special needs uncle. basically if you but "sp" in front of anything it makes them special.
Person 1: Hey Spaddie hows your spuncle doing???
Person 2: GREAT thanks for asking!
by duxksubs June 22, 2019
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