An individual with few redeeming characteristics. Stems from the fact that spheres appear exactly the same when viewed from any perspective. The phrase is commonly attributed to astronomer Fritz Zwicky.
Scooby's a spherical bastard, since no matter how you look at him, he's still a bastard.
by dziban June 16, 2007
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History: Often attributed to the eccentric Swiss Astronomer Fritz Zwicky, who used it to refer to fellow astronomers at the Mt. Wilson Observatory as Spherical Bastards. "Because", in his words, "they were bastards, when looked at from any side".
Your bastardness is as as the planets you flap about, spherical. You're a spherical bastard.
by derelictus May 31, 2010
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He's a spherical bastard. No matter which way you look at him, He's still a bastard.
by Scooby January 10, 2003
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Someone who's a perfectly smooth bastard no matter which way you look at him.

Also works with Spherical nutjob, spherical jackass.

Syntax: Spherical cuss-word

History: Often attributed to the eccentric Swiss Astronomer Fritz Zwicky, who used to refer to fellow astronomers at the Mt. Wilson Observatory as Spherical Bastards. "Because", in his words, "they were bastards, when looked at from any side".

"Hey Eugene McLeroy!"

Eugene McLeroy: Yes?

"You're a spherical bastard."

Eugene McLeroy: Oh My!
by nostraticispeak June 20, 2009
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