(1)One of the best bands. Funniest shit ive ever heard! IM this guy for info... "Glockd U Sucka"
(2)The coolest new video game in the south park episode with towlie
"DUDE! did you go to the Okama Game Sphere show?!"

"Dude i love Okama Game Sphere, letsp lay another game!"
by Diabolical December 21, 2003
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A well-known song from Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix with a 9-foot difficulty. This song's 500-step make-up is in almost complete coincidence with the music. This song requires a good amount of stamina and multiple micro-gallups.
Tip: The steps and the song are almost one, so step to the song and you'll be fine.
by Michael April 13, 2004
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The best way possible to describe the great game of golf.
Hey sorry I couldn’t come over babe, I was busy smacking spheres with the boys.
by WankDinkerson November 26, 2020
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A shpere made of one innner sphere and one outer sphere. The inner sphere has many glory holes in it with peni in them. the men are forced to cum on one unfortunate person in the middle of the inner sphere. The outer sphere protects the iner sphere as it rolles down a hill.
Guy 1: "Omg! Look at that glory sphere roll."
Guy 2: "I fell sorry for the poor guy in the middle of that."
by Fighterbob June 10, 2011
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The golden sphere is a group of mixed race and light skin people who want to create there own community .
"The golden sphere has a very diverse array of people. "
by Not that guy this one August 21, 2023
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A Project Sekai fan server known for being chaotic, and constantly active. There are roughly 700 members, it can be used to substitute for “insane” or “chaotic”
Did that guy just send a picture of Pou with feet?”

“Average Sphere Sekai moment”

“What the hell???”
“Normal day in Sphere Sekai”
by Zoeyoey August 6, 2023
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A Project Sekai fan server known for being chaotic, and constantly active. There are roughly 700 members, it can be used to substitute for “insane” or “chaotic”
Did that guy just send a picture of Pou with feet?”

“Average Sphere Sekai moment”

“What the hell???”
“Normal day in Sphere Sekai”
by Zoeyoey August 6, 2023
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